By becoming a member, you agree that you will abide by the following TPT Policies:

Health and Safety on Field Trips

TPT has developed policies to manage risks associated with field trips to Tasmanian bushland. Each field trip will be described in a written flyer that provides an overview of the field trip and some initial information about the site conditions and expected activities.

TPT trip coordinators are responsible for assessing the risks associated with each field trip. TPT has developed a general purpose hazard form for a typical field trip in the bush. This will form the basis for a verbal briefing to participants at the start of each field trip. The briefing will highlight the specific risks associated with that trip, and the available responses at that site.

1. We require all volunteers on TPT trips to disclose any medical conditions to the Trip Coordinator that may create a safety issue on that TPT trip. Volunteers also have a duty of care to themselves and others on the trip to bring and take any necessary medications. 

2. All volunteers on a field trip are required to sign in and acknowledge that they have read and understood the trip flyer and the hazard assessment for that trip. According to the TPT policy, people who are not able to complete these requirements will not be permitted to participate in the field trip.

TPT's COVID Safety Plan can be downloaded here.

Seed-free and Phytophthora-free Footwear and Clothing

Threatened Plants Tasmania (TPT) members need to very careful not to introduce plant seeds or pathogens, such as Phytophthora cinnamomi, into the areas we visit. For more information on Phytophthora cinnamomi, see Interim Phytophthora cinnamomi Management Guidelines

Before going on any TPT field trip, please make sure that:

1. There are no seeds caught in your footwear or clothes, paying particular attention to shoe tread, laces, Velcro, the sides of tongues, cuffs, socks and inside pockets.

2. Ensure there is no mud or soil on the soles of your shoes. To avoid spreading Phytophthora cinnamomi, you must clean, dry and then spray the soles of your shoes with 70% Methylated Spirits, making sure that the meths stays on the soles for one minute or more. (Warning: Methylated Spirits is flammable so keep well away from open flames and cigarettes).

3. Weeding Tools and other equipment taken on TPT Field Trips must be cleaned using the same method.

4. In the field, clean dirty shoes with a brush or use local site water/ rainwater or reticulated water, dry them, and then spray with methylated spirits before you walk in a new location.

5. At home, you can clean shoes in your laundry trough where effluent goes directly into a septic or sewer system.

6. To clean your car, use commercial car washes if your home drainage does not go directly into the storm water. (Some people have infected their gardens at home with P. cinnamomi through car washing).

Access to Private Property

Some TPT activities are conducted on Private Property where permission to access the property has been obtained and all activities will comply with the wishes of the Land Owner / Manager. On TPT field trips (and also when not on TPT field trips), volunteers must NEVER enter Private Property without express permission of the Land Owner / Manager.

Ethical Photography Principles 

Volunteers are expected to abide by Ethical Photography Principles. 

Understand the potential cumulative effects of your disturbance and choose your equipment to minimise your impact

  • Use a tripod or long focal length lenses rather than lying down or kneeling
  • Don’t ‘garden’ the area of your desired photo
  • Respect property boundaries and never enter private property without permission from the land manager

Social Media Policy

Volunteers will be expected to NOT post any images from TPT Field Trips on social media. Never post the location of threatened and sensitive plant or orchid sites on social media. Posts on social media alert people to a site, or a species being in flower, which can lead to trampling and/or theft.

Please read and abide by the complete Social Media & Ethical Photography Policy (PDF)

Hatfield Plain Surry Hills